

This 40th annual conference is hosted by 儿童医院 & 医疗中心.



会议计划委员会鼓励你加入一个或两个州立学校护士协会. Membership will be verified for this conference to receive the discounted member price. 会员必须在前一年付费才能获得今年会议的折扣价格.

NSNA (Nebraska School Nurses Association): 年费为125美元. NSNA的成员也包括美国航天局(全国学校护士协会)的成员. Payment for NSNA membership is online only at www.美国航天局.org. (Click Renew at the top or Membership, then on Become a Member.)

CNSNA (Central Nebraska School Nurses Association): 年费是25美元. New members should make their membership checks payable separately to the CNSNA, and they will be forwarded to the CNSNA treasurer. Current members will get their information on payment in an email from CNSNA.





一份申请已经提交给蒙大拿州护士协会批准授予联系时间. 蒙大拿州护士协会被美国护士资格认证中心认证委员会认证为护理持续专业发展的杰出批准者. There will be no virtual option for attendance.


根据我们收到的积极反馈, 在周一的会议上, 参与者将有机会参加上午和下午的分组会议! 从五个精彩的会议中选择,根据您的需求和兴趣定制您的会议体验.


To strengthen our use of school health data across the State of Nebraska, 国家数据小组正在举办研讨会分组会议,通过数据收集和分析的基础来指导学校护士. 学校护士将有机会创建工作产品和大纲,以带回他们的地区供将来使用. To maximize your participation, laptops are highly encouraged.


Credit card and electronic check (ACH) payments will receive a $10 discount.



  • 为期两天的会议:160美元
  • One-day conference (June 10 or June 11): $130


  • 为期两天的会议:210美元
  • One-day conference (June 10 or June 11): $155



  • 为期两天的会议:210美元
  • One-day conference (June 10 or June 11): $180


  • 为期两天的会议:260美元
  • One-day conference (June 10 or June 11): $205



Evaluations are opened at the end of each Conference Day. Evaluations must be completed before Certificates for Continuing Education are issued. Certificates will be emailed to participants within 30 days. Participants are responsible for signing in for each session. If you have questions or have trouble accessing evaluations, please email sarastevensstehl@tincyn.net.

The deadline to submit evaluations and obtain certificates is July 11, 2024. 本节目的任何主持人或计划委员会成员均未披露任何利益冲突.



Be comfortable but dress in layers as room temperatures can vary.


在周日社交活动期间,将提供小型个人甜点、水果和饮料. A grab-and-go breakfast and lunch will be served Monday and Tuesday. 所有食物都在Loper South供应.

特殊食品要求/需求:发邮件至 schoolhealthconference@gmail.com.


预先登记的与会者的姓名和地址将编入一个目录,随会议资料分发给所有与会者. 任何注册参加会议的人,如果不希望被列入目录,必须在会议登记表上标记适当的字段.


带上你的听力计进行校准. The calibration station will be located in the vendor room, Loper North. The fee for calibration is $65 per audiometer.


A block of rooms has been reserved at the Kearney Holiday Inn at the rate of $124.6月9日和6月10日,单人间/双人间每晚95美元(不含税和/或费用). Reservations can be made by calling 308-237-5971. Mention the School Health Conference Group to receive the special rate. 2024年5月13日之后的预订,将只接受空间和价格可用的基础上.



书面取消通知发送至 schoolhealthconference@gmail.com and received by May 31, 2024, will be refunded less $50 processing fee. All other cancellations received after May 31 are nonrefundable; however, a substitute participant will be accepted at the original cost.


如果您有任何疑问或需要更多信息,请与规划委员会联系 schoolhealthconference@gmail.com.

The emergency phone number for the conference is 308-237-5971 (hotel).



Dr. 玛莎·杜威·伯格伦是芝加哥伊利诺伊大学的临床名誉教授,也是《最热门的网赌网址大全》的执行编辑. 她致力于证明,健康的环境和健康文化是对儿童最具成本效益和最谨慎的投资.

She will speak on Monday morning about ethics in school nursing.

玛丽安T. Strawhacker

MaryAnn is self-employed as a professional development specialist and consultant. 她作为一名特殊教育护理顾问工作了30年,服务于爱荷华州中部的11个县. Job requirements included health evaulation, 资格的决心, 程序开发, and reevaulation for special education. She conducts training regarding health as a related service and Section 504 Compliance. 她曾在美国航天局全国会议和许多州学校护士会议上发表过演讲. 她为日出河出版社出版了三个版本的IHP书籍,并撰写了许多同行评议的护理期刊文章. 她是美国航天局的前爱荷华州主任,目前是特殊需要学校护士SIG的联合主席,并在美国航天局学校护士编辑小组任职.



韦斯·贾登在格兰德岛警察局工作了18年,担任巡警和学校资源官. In 2022, 他的职业生涯始于大岛公立学校的安全官员,并继续兼职为大岛警察局工作. He became a certified Drug Recognition Expert in 2007. 他专门为青少年提供毒品、酒精和尼古丁方面的培训. 他做了关于社会毒品问题的报告, drug identification and impairment with juvenlies, and drug and electronic nicotine device recognition.

He will speak on Tuesday afternoon about youth drug trends.



3-5 p.m.: Conference Registration - Near Loper North

6-8 p.m.:供应商开放- Loper North

6:15-8 p.m.:供应商介绍- Loper South

加入我们的周日社交活动,参观供应商表,并听取精选供应商分享他们的组织. 主题包括听力学, the Nebraska Children's Vision 全世界最大的网赌网址, Common Ground Nebraska and School Health Supply. Be sure to indicate your attendance on your registration.


7-7:45 a.m.: Breakfast/Registration - Loper South/ Hallway Near Ballroom

7:45-8 a.m.: 欢迎/客房服务-宴会厅

8-10 a.m.: Ethics in School Nursing, Navigating Moral Dilemmas玛莎·杜威·伯格伦, 芝加哥伊利诺伊大学临床名誉教授,《最热门的网赌网址大全》执行编辑

10-10:30 a.m.: Break and Vendors - Loper North and South

10:30 a.m.中午: Breakout Sessions - Choose 1 to attend:

  • 常见的青少年妇科疾病: Dr. 杰西Barondeau, 青少年医学专科医生, Division Leader of Adolescent Medicine at Children’s Nebraska & UNMC -舞厅
  • 提高自闭症意识: Jennifer Burgard-Quaranta,东南区域协调员(内布拉斯加州自闭症网络)- D客舱
  • 应急响应:温迪·威尔斯, 内布拉斯加大学医学中心, 护理学院, 西内布拉斯加州分部, 内布拉斯加州狭长地带健康教育中心(NP-AHEC)教育协调员-客舱E
  • 学童健康牙科普查: Dr. 查尔斯·F. Craft, Nebraska State Dental Health Director - Stateroom F
  • 数据收集工作坊:朱莉·弗雷德里克, NSNA状态数据协调员, Health Services Coordinator at Lincoln Public Schools - Executive Room (2nd Floor)

Noon-1 p.m.: 午餐 and Vendors - Loper North and South

1-2:30 p.m.: Breakout Sessions - Choose 1 to attend:

  • 常见的青少年妇科疾病: Dr. 杰西Barondeau, 青少年医学专科医生, Division Leader of Adolescent Medicine at Children’s Nebraska and UNMC -舞厅
  • 提高自闭症意识: Jennifer Burgard-Quaranta,东南区域协调员(内布拉斯加州自闭症网络)- D客舱
  • 应急响应:温迪·威尔斯, 内布拉斯加大学医学中心, 护理学院, 西内布拉斯加州分部, 内布拉斯加州狭长地带健康教育中心(NP-AHEC)教育协调员-客舱E
  • 学童健康牙科普查: Dr. 查尔斯·F. Craft, Nebraska State Dental Health Director- Stateroom F
  • 数据收集工作坊:朱莉·弗雷德里克, NSNA状态数据协调员, Health Services Coordinator at Lincoln Public Schools- Executive Room (2nd Floor)

2:30-3:30 p.m.: Break and Vendors - Loper North and South

3:30-4 p.m.: 学校护士队伍: Andrea Riley, 内布拉斯加州儿童学校健康联络处和州立学校护士顾问朱莉·弗雷德里克, NSNA状态数据协调员, Health Services Coordinator at Lincoln Public Schools - Ballroom

4:15-5:15 p.m.: NSNA全体会员会议-客舱C

5:30-6:30 p.m.: CNSNA All Members Meeting - Stateroom F


7-7:45 a.m.: Breakfast/Registration - Loper South/Hallway Near Ballroom

7:45-8 a.m.: 欢迎/客房服务-宴会厅

8-10 a.m.: Role of the School Nurse in Special Education: MaryAnn Strawhacker, Owner/Consultant for Special Education Nurse LLC - Ballroom

10-10:30 a.m.: Break and Vendors - Loper North and South

10:30-11:45 a.m.: Tick- and Mosquito-borne Diseases in Nebraska: Sharon Sims,教育顾问和Jody Green,博士,委员会认证昆虫学家-舞厅

11:45 a.m.-1 p.m.: 午餐, 奖项和供应商- Loper North and South(这将是最后一次访问大多数供应商的机会.)

1-2:30 p.m.: 青少年吸毒趋势:韦斯·贾登警官, School Safety Officer for Grand Island Public Schools, Grand Island Police Department - Ballroom

2:30-4 p.m.: 童年创伤 & ace: Amanda Drier, ace 社区 Impact Officer, BraveBe - Ballroom

4 p.m.: 总结意见及评估